Thursday 29 May 2014


I said before that the result does not matter, as it's only a friendly. But it's never nice to lose...even if you're just playing cards or catch. It was good for the Nigerian mentality that they fought back and refused to lose. I LOVED that it was pretty much team made up of new boys, which was the intention. A lot of things to work on, but I think we saw who FLOPPED and who put in a great argument for their TICKET TO BRAZIL.

Uchebo was one of those who had a decent game. Nice touches, nice movement and looked pretty clean in possession for the MOST PART, but never really had that extra thrust that Onazi or Mikel would give you. He got that goal, and you can talk of the deflection, but it was his willingness to RUN at Scotland and take the shot that must be applauded, when Nigeria were lacking any real penetration going forward.

Uzoenyi is one of those players that I really like. He shows shades of the OLD Nigeria with his movement, and dribbling. He had a pretty good game, nothing that stood out because not many players STOOD out. But I liked what he brought on the wing, with good hustling, skills and that willingness to try and get past his man or get a cross he did for Ameobi, who volleyed at the keeper. Don't worry, I will deal with Ameobi a bit later......

Michael Babatunde was another of the new faces in midfield who, just like Uchebo, had an OKAY game, kept the ball well, and looked tidy with it. What he showed Keshi I believe was that he can be a good SQUAD player to try and consolidate a lead...hopefully.

But what was a bit worrying were stages in the game where Nigeria kept on losing the ball and put forth careless passes. THAT AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH, because in the World Cup, the pressing will be a lot harsher and more intense.

What are strikers born to do? What do we want from them? GOALS. That's it. Anything extra is a lovely bonus but ALL WE WANT ARE GOALS. And if you can score an equalizer or a winner, then you are a VERY important striker.
  That is what Nwofor did. He had already threatened a few times to score, and in the last dying minutes, he kept on going, and it was a VERY good finish. He anticipated how the ball broke, and in an instant, delivered a deadly finish that saved the game for Nigeria. Keshi MUST take this guy to Brazil as what was a bit worrying was the lack of a real attacking threat. All nice build-up play, but no real bite at the end of all of that. Emenike CANNOT do it all on his own.

Can't write this without mentioning the return of Osazie. One of the better players during Nigeria's VERY DARK period.

He looked good. Brought some spice on the wing, and made Nigeria look more threatening in an attacking sense. Hopefully, he can get more games with Onazi, Emenike and Musa and try and play off them to ensure they are all on the same wavelength so they can heighten the amounts of chances that they create.

If you want to see a CLASSIC example of a player, playing his way OUT of a World Cup ticket, then look no further than Shola Jeremiah Ameobi. He was CRAP. Three really good chances, three BAD misses. Sorry, but after Nwofor did what he did.....I simply cannot allow for Ameobi to be on that plane. To put forward that kind of performance is just shocking...knowing that you need to try and EARN your place. I surely hope he does not feel his place is secure.

Must look forward now. Some good stuff, some not so good stuff. Yobo has no business being in this team, and I don't know what he is doing here. TWELVE years in the national team, is MORE than enough. It's not like he is Maldini and gets better with age. Keshi must pray Oboabona and Omeruo are FULLY FIT and can form a formidable defensive line....because Yobo and Egwuekwe look far too shaky...and WILL leak goals galore if they are the back two.