Monday 26 May 2014


Does the apple fall far or close from the tree? That there is the question. You've had the Redknapps, Maldinis, Cruyffs, and you can only really say that Paolo Maldini is the only son that superseded his father and became known as one of the greatest defenders. Now, Tom Ince must now fill those HUGE shoes of his papa, and go to a club where his father is STILL seen as a legend.

Inter Milan are a club in NEED of some new recruits. They have suffered in the league and poor Mazzarri who looks like he belongs in a Scorcese movie, has had to struggle with ancient players as well as much younger guys who have found it difficult to compete in a VERY tough league.

One can say that this move for Tom Ince is to galvanize and raise morale amongst the fans. It gets people talking and wishing that the second coming of Paul Ince has arrived to inspire them to greatness. But one has to look at the player they are buying. I have seen Tom Ince play, and the kid IS good. He is a very different player from Paul Ince, as in he quicker, more agile and more mobile whereas Paul was the classic holding central midfielder. Where Paul gave you the tackling, and consolidation of midfield, Tommy may give Inter that extra burst in attack and offer more creativity and perhaps GOALS that that so badly lacked this last season.

I hope the move pulls through because it would be a great move for Tommy Ince. Moving to Italy, a new country, TOUGH league, it is something that could make or break him. Whatever happens, he WILL improve as a player and will heighten his technical skills as well as improve the way he thinks about the game, something he would not be getting in the much faster Premiership.