Thursday 22 May 2014


Blah, blah, BLAH and ANOTHER BLAH! So you want me to actually believe that because they did not buy Yaya a nice big cake, with lemon and strawberries, he is now going to sit in the corner with arms folded and sob like a baby? Puh-lease, that my friends is complete and utter NONSENSE. Yaya Toure ain't going nowhere and it's simple....MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.

Yaya is one of the highest paid players in the world, and he is playing in one of THE emerging football clubs in the world. So you want me to believe with that in mind, he is actually considering of leaving? And oh, when he's fit, he pretty much is the FIRST name on the teamsheet...he is the HEART of the team and I believe is either second or third in line to wear the armband after Kompany.

But nope, all that is not enough, because he wants more respect and A BIG HUGE CAKE WITH LEMON AND STRAWBERRIES FROM SWITZERLAND.

We are living in the age of the modern footballer and these dudes ONLY move if they are going to be paid more money. There is not a club anywhere that will pay Yaya MORE than he is earning right now for Manchester City. So can we just give it a rest with this story? The agent is just bored because he wants to be heard and stir things around.

Let's play devil's advocate here. If you recall, Toure made a comment about not being respected enough because he is African. It's actually something I believe in, and if he was a few shades lighter and from Europe or South America, they would be RAVING about him. But he's not, and he does not get the credit he deserves. So you can link that in with him not feeling that City do enough beyond just the mighty dollar to herald him as one of the world's best and treat him to...a cake with lemon and strawberries.

I think this will all be settled pretty soon and I will bite my toenail off and mix it with stew and drink it if Yaya actually leaves City and all that cash to go to.....{sound of crickets}