Wednesday 9 July 2014




What needs to be said? How do you even begin? What words if any exist in the English language to describe just what the HELL just happened?

Schadenfreude - pleasure derived from misfortune of others.

That is perhaps a fitting term as to what compelled Germany to keep hammering goals in a lost, hopeless and completely absent Brazil. There was a cold and ruthless nature as which Germany mounted attack after attack leaving Brazil chasing their shadows and completely and utterly hopeless.

It's hard to really explain just what happened to Brazil. For all the years I've been watching football, Brazil have NEVER looked this bad. Never. Of course, they are not known for their defensive qualities, but my goodness, the BASIC things you learn about marking your man, zonal defense just seemed to have gone from them at the WORST time.

Then you have Germany. Criticized after they narrowly got through Algeria, regained confidence against France and they showed the world what they can do if you DON'T turn up to defend. The passing was precise, movement was fluid, and the finishing was as deadly as you can find. TOTAL. AND. ABSOLUTE. VICTORY.

I actually had a feeling. Before the match started, I rolled with Brazil and stuck with them. Then when the match begun, and I saw the ease at which Germany moved the ball, I had that feeling. For a small moment in my mind I said to myself....
"This might be a rout."

But NO WAY did I even conceive that Germany would have the audacity and the CHEEK to put seven goals past Brazil. No mercy. A continuous barrage of German football at its finest and a display of what it means to be a TEAM, not relying on a superstar to function.

What can be said about David Luiz? What more needs to be said?  I like him. He seems like a really cool guy, and I will be the LAST person to mock him. But, when it comes to the position of DEFENDING, he surely is one of the worst I've seen. He always had either Silva, Gustavo or Fernandinho covering for him and making up for his lapses in concentration. Without Silva and Dante who obviously was lost in all the pressure, Luiz was criminally exposed by a German attack that were moving at the speed of a million bullet trains. Big Phil....why oh why did you not do EXTRA training in defense and INSTRUCT Gustavo to play much deeper and act as extra cover?

And finally, the last words must be given to Klose. Record-breaker. Cold Striker. He just had to go and do it. Of ALL the places and in ALL the matches he had to choose to break the record...he had to do it here...IN Brazil...WITH Ronaldo in the audience. Poignant.

What Klose showed and reminded us all, and Fred, is you always need a striker. No matter what team you are, the sport of football NEEDS strikers...not false number 9's or some freakin new-wave bullshit. STRIKERS. Klose got his two goals, and with him in the team, IN that penalty area, Germany have a great chance of bringing back the gold.

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