Monday 2 February 2015

Cuadrado is Part of Chelsea...but Will he give Mourinho What he Needs for the Champions League Cheddar?

It's official. Mourinho has made another big signing, and it's the skilful, dribbling South American. He is an EXCITING player, and is capable of giving MOST defenders (don't know about my boy Lahm) a headache with his "Show am Leg" moves. But the real question is whether Mourinho can mould him into HIS kind of player, similar to what he did with Mr. Eden of the Hazard.

In his current form, Cuadrado is NOT a Mourinho player. He is much like the Lille Hazard. A lot of raw talent, but Jose would go mad if all he saw were stepovers, instead of the more effective play that brings about a real chance for Costa and Remy.

But the idea of bringing in the Colombian sensation makes sense. My boy wants TWO attacking wingers to pepper that booty. With Hazard just on one wing, it is too predictable and there is far too much pressure on him to bring the pain. Because it's Eden on one wing and Big Booty on the other, but he is coming from a right back position and is not a natural winger. So that is where Cuadrado can slot in and provide Chelsea with attacking threats on both flanks that would make them far too much to handle for the likes of QPR, Sunderland and Scunthorpe?

Will he succeed in the Premiership?

You see, if Cuadrado went to City or even Arsenal, I would give that a definite yes. But him going to Chelsea all depends on whether he can adapt to the instructions and style that Mourinho demands. He will of course will be keen to alter his style, because this is his big move that he does not want to screw up. Because Fiorentina have as much chance of winning the Champions League as any heterosexual man has of not looking at Nicki Minaj TWICE as she walks down the street in tight jeans (dayuuuuuuuum.....)

The main question that does arise is whether or not he will be a hit at Chelsea. And I just can't give you an answer. It's an exciting move, and in theory, it should work.

If Cuadrado can use his skill only when needed and follow Hazard's play, and be EFFECTIVE rather than just FLASHY, then what you will have is the Bayern of 2013. Two attacking wingers that will just rip open the full-backs of any team. And this seems to be the way of modern football.




The attacking wingers have now become the key attacking positions with there being a dearth of natural good old strikers. These kinds of players have pretty much been the players to hand Champions League crowns to their teams.

That's all cool....but I do appreciate the striker and I will fight for that position to come back and be important again.

Back to the Colombian and Chelsea affair. Let us wait and view how Cuadrado develops in the Premiership. The game is much faster than the Serie A which he will need to get used to, but the defenders in Italy are better than the ones in England. So if Cuadrado can just match to the high intensity, it will be interesting to see how many times he can leave defenders dazzled. But will he want to dribble too much and be unable to develop like Hazard?

It's a risk my boy is taking, because if this does not work out...solely relying on Hazard will again be too much for the Belgian in carrying them to that Champions League glory that Mourinho CRAVES for.