Tuesday 3 February 2015

Just What the HELL has Happened to AC Milan?!

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on at this club? Is this even the great AC Milan that housed such legends as Shevchenko, Weah, Basten, Seedorf and even the damn man in charge, Pippo?!

So Milan have now fallen to just offering DESTRO and some guy that looks like he works for the mob as the only acquisitions that are supposed to convinced Milan supporters they can compete with Juve, Roma and Napoli??

Juventus may be the kings of Italy now, but there is something powerful about the dark red and black. Even as Milan are now pretty much a mid-table ALMOST backyard team, their history still make them revered...to an extent.

This is the same club that have seen some of the best strikers and defenders that the game of football has seen. They were once the KINGS of the Champions League and there was a mystical power about entering the San Siro...the coliseum of football.

So how the hell do you go from such heights to...Destro....and Paletta? Just what has happened to one of Italy's great football clubs?

Of course, no team can stay on top forever. Clubs goes through highs and lows. Just as you are seeing with Manchester United right now, and even Ajax who used to have one of the best teams in Europe. But there should be a level that you ought not to stoop below.

I look at the Milan squad, and I just can't see them coming close to the top three. January was a chance for them to get a big signing, and really pose some fear into Roma and Napoli. But Destro is not really the kind of player to strike fear into opponents. Of course the defence needs help with the French Chef being a liability in every game. But...what about....THE VERY HEART OF THE TEAM KNOWN AS THE MIDFIELD?!!!

Essien was once THE best box-to-box midfielder in the world with versatility that no other player had. But with injuries, he just lost his legs, stamina and drive to be as effective as he was for Chelsea.

If Inzaghi think he, De Jong and Muntari are enough to climb up the table...then he must be sniffing glue. These are players that need to be replaced or at the VERY LEAST, used in rotation with younger, fitter and more creative and effective midfielders.

Suffice to say...it just doesn't look good for AC Milan. They won't get relegated but can I really put any cash on them mounting any sort of title challenge?

Milan fans have to be real with themselves but should also look to the past. They must demand more, and fight for the integrity of this once great club. A team of such stature can't jump up for joy or even crack a smile because they bought some guy called Destro who couldn't really get it done for Roma, hence why he was bounced out for Doumbia.

The sad thing is that I really think it could take a very long time before AC Milan are even considered contenders in Europe again. They need to even be relevant in Italy, a league that is suffering from one-horse race syndrome.

Only way that things will change is if the fans call for the head of Galliani and FORCE him to dig deep into the damn EX-PRESIDENT OF THE DAMN COUNTRY'S pockets and fork out cash for a young star, or try and compete for a top name AT LEAST. If the reality is Milan have no money and can't afford top players, then that is truly just sad and perhaps Inzaghi may not be the right man to lead the club. Why Seedorf was not given more of a chance is beyond me....maybe racism, maybe not, who knows.

When next will Milan fans see this image that most of us football fans got accustomed to?


You don't want to know....