Monday 30 November 2015

Alexis Sanchez Injury can end Arsenal's Season.

Uh oh.

This is the last thing Arsenal wanted. Their one-man wrecking ball, their superstar, talisman and crown jewel, to go down injured. Wenger and Arsenal should be saying their prayers and hoping he isn't out for long, because if he's out for the hectic month of December, then Arsenal's hope for getting their hands back on the title would be officially over.

Alexis Sanchez has been the very reason why Arsenal has been competitive. The extent to which they have relied up on the Chez is incredible. He offers goals, assists and almost every attack that Arsenal launch has him as a very important focal point. The sheer amount of effort and energy that he executes is incredible, and is why he's one of my most favorite players to watch. For Arsenal to be without him, it's pretty much ripping the lifeforce out of their team.

So the issue that exists now is whether he should have played in the Norwich game. He'd already played a lot of matches and there were already concerns about his fitness. But the thing with Chez is he loves football. Even if both his legs are ruptured and there's a thirty inch sword through his chest, he'd still say he's fine to play. That is where a hard decision has to be taken by Wenger to rest him, despite what he says. What happened was Chez was obviously not fully fit to play, but he doesn't understand the concept of resting, and so he told Wenger he was ready to roll and that is where this subsequent injury now arose.

With December now upon us, this could be make or break for Arsenal's season. If they get draws and losses and both City and United notch up some victories, then it could really be over by January. With Giroud as their main attacking threat, it's worrying. You also have to look at all the other injuries and this is where one has to wonder just what the hell Wenger was doing during the summer. Surely after all the years in the Premiership, he must know that you need a deep squad in order to win a league. Maybe he believes that Giroud, Cazorla, Walcott and co are Henry, Vieira and Pires in disguise.

Arsenal NEED Chez sooner rather than later...

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