Tuesday 8 December 2015

Man United, can you PLEASE, SCORE SOME DAMN G'S???!!!!!!

How many goalless draws have United had this season?

Nah, scratch that...I don't want to know. What I'd like find out rather, is how Van Gaal is going to somehow lift the spirits of this team so they can at least do something tonight in Germany. A draw may not be enough if PSV or Moscow get that win, so they have to be going into this with the intention of winning. So in that sense, qualification is in their hands. All they need to do is win...can't be that hard. Just shove the ball in the fishnet more times than Wolfsburg. One problem though...United are allergic to scoring.

Yep, for some reason, they don't like to score G's. When you even watch them playing, there is great organisation. Nice passing, everyone knows their role in the team and there is very good structure, as the players have understood the game plan from Van Gaal. The problem is when they have the ball and they are approaching the opponent's penalty area, that is where things get pretty hairy.

There is a lack of thrust, invention or imagination. I see no diagonal runs into the box, no quick passes, and no real idea of how to score. You see, with most teams that you see, they have a strategy on how to create chances. Teams like Barcelona rely on the quick passes, with the barrage of players they have pushing forward constantly making dangerous runs whilst others like Juventus have a more measured approach where each player has a clear role of how they are about to fashion a chance and are very disciplined in the position of the attack that they are in.

I don't see that with United.

The amount of times where they have needed a goal and I see Carrick look up, and just pass the ball sideways, has been incredible. I don't know whether it's the tactics, or the players or lack of belief in their ability to take more of a risk going forward. Trying to dribble, playing a crafty through ball, or a clever chip to a player running in from deep. I just don't see any ideas or people even trying things in this team. It's too lethargic and predictable. For this match tonight, if they bring that same predictability, then the only question will be if Wolfsburg will win the game or be happy getting the draw.

My faith is now with United to win this game. A draw is very possible and looks most likely. As long as it's not another 0-0, then it's all a matter of how the other results have gone in the matches. It really isn't a very professional approach to be relying on other results and just looking for a draw. United have to go for the win, and they need to take more risks. Van Gaal has to free these players, especially someone like Mata who has the invention and the ability to try and conjure up something...of even score a G himself.


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