Friday 11 December 2015

Real Madrid Officially OUT of Copa Del Rey. Ha....Ha?


I can't wrap my head around just how Real Madrid have been thrown out of the Copa Del Rey over a technicality. This was a competition that they had a good chance of winning, especially if Barcelona were caught on an off day and were eliminated early. A trophy is a trophy, and every competition counts. Also, Barcelona are aiming to repeat that treble and Madrid would want nothing more than to be the team that stopped them from doing that.

Well, that's not going to happen because Madrid decided to field an ineligible player. So according to the rules, they now have to settle for only two trophies this season. But looking at how this all came about, both sides need to shoulder the blame for this debacle. Personally, it's far too harsh of the committee to just eliminate Madrid. They screwed up, but my goodness, would it be asking too much for the match to be played again? Would that end the world or bring the entire sport of football into disrepute?

They player in question got his suspension from another club. He was still under contract with Madrid, but it's also the responsibility of that other club to give them all information pertaining to suspensions of the player. If the player got the suspension as Madrid player, meaning he was directly under their watch, then I would be the first throw out any appeals made by Perez. And what about the Spanish FA?

I assumed that it was part of their job to inform and provide relevant data before each match played. Or I suppose all they do is electronically come up with fixtures and hand feeble bans to clubs who have racist fans. But the very fact that Football Manager informs you of any suspensions in your squad before you play a game but you don't get that same "luxury" in the real world, is worrying.

It's a disaster for this to happen to such a club like Real Madrid. Quite frankly, it's also embarrassing. To be thrown out of the Copa Del Rey in such a manner, is ridiculous.

But when you look at the mess Perez has created with the debt, the "superstars" that have come in and out and the merry-go-round of managers he's had, this very much goes in line with the state of affairs at Real Madrid. And I can bet, if Perez was not in charge, this would never have happened. His very presence has put a curse on Madrid, and nobody has yet come up with a ploy of getting rid of him.

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