Tuesday 22 December 2015

Van Gaal Should Be Sacked in 3,2,1....

I'm surprised that Van Gaal still has a job. Things have reached an all time low now. They were bad with the goalless draws and getting knocked out of the group stages of the Champions League. But Norwich? Norwich?! And at home?!

As I write this, Van Gaal apparently has two more games to save his season. Stoke and Chelsea, and yep....Van Gaal has been blessed with going away at one of the most difficult grounds in the world to win at during winter. So it doesn't look good for Van Gaal, in saving his job...but how come he's even been given this much time?

This has not been a recent problem. For the last month pretty much, United have been the subject of ridicule based on how inept their attacking game is. No forward passes, no attacking threat, lack of striking power and a team that have somehow just picked up points through getting it done rather than playing any sort of attractive football. It's gotten on the nerves of the fans, seeing how much money has been spent and the result being United now ending up in sixth with no real hope of suddenly playing with heart, zip, and fibre that they used to under the Great Fergie.

Yeah, if United end up sacking Van Gaal I suppose that he deserves it, but then you have to look at what he's had to work with. The team isn't very good and are not top four material. You look at Everton and Tottenham and these are teams who based on their players, should be doing better than United. I've even go so far as to say I'm not too sure if all Ferguson had to work with where these players, he would be able to get them pushing for the title. Fergie always had two or three really good attacking players, which is something that United do not have.

You've got to think that if United didn't have Martial, they wouldn't even be flirting with the title. The amount of times he's saved them this season through either goals or assists is amazing, for a teenager. Then you think, this is the great Manchester United who have had dudes like Cantona, Cristiano, Cole, Yorke, Scholes, Giggs...and their best player is a teenager? Something is wrong there.

I don't see how Van Gaal can save himself. The damage has already been done, and once the players show how disgruntled they are, to quote Blaine from the classic movie Predator:

"You're in a world of hurt."

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