Friday 18 December 2015

Why I Love Chiellini

Chiellini is one of my favorite players in the world.

That may come as a shock to some. After all, your favorite player can't be a defender. It's got to be the one who scores all the goals, or does the amazing skills, or models underwear. Defenders are boring and not "cool".

That was me imitating the fickle football fan...and you would be surprised how many of them are about.

When growing up playing football, I never liked to defend. I was always a central midfielder as I loved
picking out through-balls, had great lungs to run up and down the pitch and just loved being at the center of everything.

But as I grew older, and my legs gave away and running a few yards made me keel over and try to catch my breath, I decided that perhaps central-midfield was not my forté.

So I tried out different positions, and playing in central defense, I gained a newfound respect for that position. The amount of reading you have to of the game is incredible. I never knew. You always have to be aware of what is around you and be twice as quick as all the attackers who are making runs. So when I see the way in which Chiellini defends and how ruthless he is in the tackle, I just love it and it gives me a huge grin. 

Chiellini doesn't concern himself with trying to be midfielder or look pretty on the ball. He gets down and dirty, and make sure the entire ninety minutes of the striker is a nightmare. If there was ever a piece of footage that signified what Chiellini is about, without the use of words and just imagery, then feast your eyes on this piece of utter beauty:

Emperior Giorgio isn't perfect. He can make the occasional mistake, and give away that odd penalty. But he more than makes up for these lapses by defending the way that defenders should. Menacing, tough, and not afraid of being covered in his own blood. This is the kind of desire that I wished other defenders had. Footblallers are too nice these days, and when you have guys like Messi, Robben, Neymar and Cristiano knocking about, you need a Chiellini to stop them who literally goes to rip the very soul out of their chest and make them as small as a baby ant.

For Italy to do well at the Euros next year, it's imperative Chiellini plays. Barzagli and Bonnucci are both really good defenders, but the jewel at the back is Giorgio. He's the one who will risk his family's life and his balls to prevent a goal from going in. Whatever it takes, Chiellini will do it for the greatest cause that is Juventus and Italy. For this, we must all admire and cherish this warrior.

Football is not all about the goalscorers and those on the front of magazines. Every man matters, as without the whole the machine cannot function.

Respect the defender...respect Emperor Giorgio Chiellini.

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