Monday 4 January 2016

All Must Hail Willian and his Efforts for Chelsea

As Chelsea seem to be on the path to redemption and perhaps avoid relegation, there has been one player who has been exempt from the deserved criticism. While others around him have bricked it up, played passes to the opponent, not given enough of an effort or just faked injuries; one player has kept it consistent and has been the lone bright spark for them throughout this season.


Before this season, I never really saw the big deal about him and didn't know why Mourinho preferred him over De Bruyne and Schurrle. He's not a natural winger, didn't look to have that much skill and always struck me as a good player. Nothing more, nothing less. That was before I saw him go on a free-kick rampage and evolve his game where he has to be in the conversation for player of the season in the Premiership.

It's gotten to the stage now that almosy any time a Chelsea player has the ball in midfield, they look for Willian. They have realized that he's become the creative spark in the team whilst that other Belgian has faltered, failed and just embarrassed the colours of Chelsea.

Willian has been to one putting in those juicy crosses, taking the game to the opponent and making Chelsea dangerous on the attack.

That is a lot of pressue, and Willian has taken to that like a supertrooper. He is always ready to receive the ball, and seems to make the right decision. Knows when to pass, knows when to dribble, and will make the right cross into the box for Costa.

We all must now stop calling Willian a good player or a decent soldier. He's a really good footballer, and can only be a helping hand to the sad state that the Brazilian National team find themselves in. I always viewed them as a one man team. It's Neymar or another seven-one drubbing. But with the emergence of Willian now, Neymar has a co-pilot. The man with the very nice afro that I wish I had, if I did not have the curse of goind bald, is showing that Brazilian blood each time he touches the ball. And that goal he scored against Crystal Palace...


The top four is beyond Chelsea. It's not happening. But there's a Champions League tie to be had, and this is a whole new Chelsea under Hiddink. With Willian in the side, Chelsea have a real good chance. He has the ability to change the game by himself in a multitude of ways. And he's the kind of player that can do it against any opponent. There's no fear in him or inferiority complex unlike some who won't be mentioned. So once that PSG match comes round and if Willian is fit and ready, Chelsea at least have a fighting chance with him in the team.

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