Monday 4 January 2016

Breaking News: Real Madrid's Defence is GARBAGE

Remember kids, you can score all the goals in the world, but if you concede more than you score, then you're always going to lose.

The way in which Real Madrid messed up a great chance to close the gap on Barcelona by totally screwing up a great opportunity is incredible. And they only have themselves to blame. This wasn't a case of a bad call against them, or not having the strongest team or being unlucky. They were staring unlikely victory right in the face and they threw it away.

It's what every professional footballer must know. The most dangerous time where you are most susceptible to conceding is just after you have scored an unlikely goal. You're on a high, your adrenaline has been maxed out, and that's where your focus waivers. That is where your defense can forget the fundamentals and be found disorganized at the back because they are on such a high.

People can blame Benitez all they want, but it wasn't him out on that pitch doing the defending. Ramos and Pepe have themselves to blame, as they are the two central defenders who have so much experience playing together. They surely must have known that with being a goal up, and a man down, they had to be extra alert and be screaming orders at Marcelo and Danilo to be attentive at the back.

When Valencia equalized so quickly, I couldn't believe it. Madrid had not even had a minute to settle down and get themselves some breathing space before coughing up that goal. It just goes to show that you can't put Pepe and Ramos as elite defenders. There are times when they are, and they can be impenetrable. But other times, they can look like twiddledee and twiddledum. This was a match that they had to win with Barcelona not taking full points, and they flopped.

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