Monday 11 January 2016

Brick D'OR Focus: Cristiano Ronaldo

To many, this was a suprising name to be seen on the long list of Bricks, vying for this award. What came as a total astonishment was the Portguese underwear-modelling aficionado to be included in the final three. So I must say congratulations, my friend.

So how then does someone who is considered by some to still be the best player in the world, find his way going up for this award?

It's simply a question of perception and the incredible power that the media have as well as how ignorant the masses are. If one was just to spend their time reading what the magazines and websites said as well as listen to the commentators fall over themselves with adulation for Cristiano, you woul think he's the best thing since the Ipod Nano.

But if anyone bothered to sit down and actually watch one of Cristiano's recent matches this past year, for whole ninety minutes, they would be scratching their head as to how he is considered to be one of the best. You would be presented with a Portguese underwear model who plucks his eyebrows and merely just floats about on the pitch like a duck, waiting for his tap-in or to fall over and proceed with his customary penalty.

Hardly the makings of a world class football player.

Ever since Cristiano left United and his mentor Ferguson, he's never really been the same player. That speed, and aggressive attacking player that brought fear to defenders was extinguished. He happily took on the form of being solely a goalscorer. Not in the dynamic vein of George Weah, Gabriel Batistuta or Ronaldo; but someone who was focused more on getting those stats rather than entertaining the crowd with incredible ways of winning the match for his team.

Cristiano became selfish. Worried only about how many goals he would get and not that bothered about the team. Now this is fair and I believe all strikers should be selfish bastards. But I've seen far better selfish goalscorers than Cristiano who brought more grace and beauty to their game. So his arrogance and self-centered ways stand out a lot more since there is no individual brilliance to cloak or even excuse it.

As of this past year, Cristiano's goals have been drying up and once that happens, he is literally useless. Once every red moon, he will give an assist, but not consistent enough to warrant that as an addition to the team. He doesn't contribute in any other way to the team.

-Can't dribble

-Can't create

-Can't bring in other players intelligently to the game

-Can't track back and make tackles

Hence why, he is on this shortlist. And Cristiano need to realize very soon that if he doesn't start hitting those goals at a high rate, his relevance will fade quicker than roadrunner on speed.

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