Sunday 3 January 2016

Is Coutinho Overrated or is He Actually Good?

It's the conundrum, and there's a real split with the player. If you take out the Liverpool supporters who will support the Brazilian for all time; there are those who think he a great talent and others who believe he's just a result of overhype which is prevalent in so many players of today.

I'm looking at you Cristina and Ibra...

Coutinho is a really good player. Not an elite, world class or among the best in his position. But the kid has talent and really knows how to play the game of football. When you see how amazing he was in that season where Liverpool decided they didn't want to win the title, and the kinds of goals he's scored in previous seasons, that is why people have touted him as a star player. But there are deficencies in his game and he's far from being the finished product.

What Coutinho does well is how he breaks from midfield and his very attack-minded way of playing. Just like those Brazilians on the street, he's always looking for a route to goal. Never afraid to fire off a shot, and can weave and dance his way in the congested center of the pitch. If you are building a team that likes to attack and push men forward, then he would make an ideal part of that. That doesn't mean you build your team around him or he can carry it, and that is where maybe the hype is a bit skewed.

Coutinho is part of the machine, he isn't the catalyst that gets it working. A player like David Silva, Iniesta, Sneijder back in his day and perhaps Ozil when he can be bothered, are catalysts. They can define how a team plays and gets them going. Coutinho is not this kind of player. If he's been tasked to play this role, he fails and falls flat on his face. He tends to rush his play and doesn't have that thinking man's approach to his football. It's more about a quick impace and doing this at high speed. So any coach instructing him to play the role of a playmaker is a fool and ought to be sacked.

To call him a brick or useless, is a bit harsh. He is a useful player. Klopp just needs to get him being more consistent in his play and focus on his strenghts rather than weaknesses. As of now, Liverpool are trying to find themselves under Klopp and Coutinho also has to figure out how he fits into his plans. It's about fine tuning and refinement. Rodgers was a different coach who Coutinho flourished under. I believe Coutinho can be great under Klopp also, but the two need to figure out what his new role in this team will be.

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