Friday 15 January 2016

Pato's Career is Done, he should take that Chinese Cash

I normally applaud the rare gesture of a footballer who turns down a big money move to Quatar or China, in order to prove they can still mix it with the best in an elite league. Too many modern footballers are obsessed with making money and don't show the respect to this great game. So on the one hand, it's nice to hear Pato turn down a big money move to China.

But this is Alexandra Pato we're talking about. The dude hasn't been relevant since the stone age. His career is done, it's over. He's been away from the limelight for too long and I don't see what he can offer any club. Especially when you think of how few good quality strikers there are, and  how much better they are than Pato, there's just no point in him making this move.

I never saw Pato amounting to anything that would live long in the memory. I cannot even remember him having one single great game. He scored a few goals, did a few nice things, but he's career has been ordinary. Did nothing at AC Milan, screwed up his big chance at the Copa America, and became irrelevant. So if I were him, I would take that money, think of the future and retire a very rich man.

And he should have no shame in doing so. I only vent my anger at players like Eto'o or Gyan who were at the top of their game, and decided to focus on money instead of staying at the elite leagues. Those are the ones who should be ashamed, as they spat on the sport's integrity. Pato is not in that conversation. I have no idea why he would even be offered this money, so I say again:


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