Friday 26 February 2016

Go Go, FIFA ELECTIONS!!! Yeah...

Yay! Apparently a new FIFA election is happening and suddenly everything is going to change for the better?  Right?!



No. I really have not given much care to the ongoing FIFA election which is apparently supposed to be a step in a new light that will be free of all corruption, free cigars and extra blueberry pancakes. This will be the new FIFA, and whoever is chosen will be right, true and do things in the American way.


FIFA is rotten because the infastructure of football as a sport is rotten. There is too much money involved in the sport, and it is poisioning its essence. And you know where man and the mighty bank note is concerned, hell breaks loose with a bit of greed, a Ferrarri, and perhaps a pornstar...or I believe Escort is the more appropriate millenial term.

But hey, I would love to be proven wrong. I dream of a FIFA that can clean up football, force the continental bodies to make the game fairer and distribute the money more evenly. A sport that is actually competitive, and a place where the fans are actually cared about because....pssst....they're the ones that actually spend the money to watch these dudes kick a ball around trying to get it into the fishnet.

Until I can be shown and not told...I could give doughnut's bum-cheek who wins.


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