Thursday 18 February 2016

Ibrahimovic Needs to be Dropped for PSG to progress in Champions League

Might sound like a shocker to you and you may think that I'm on smack, crack and whack for uttering such words. But seeing PSG play and giving Ibrahimovic so many chances to prove to me that he can deliver in the big game, I think a very big move has to be made by Blanc.

So much has been made of Ibrahimovic being this great player who gets all these accolades online and has his fans. But does he actually deserve all the praise? What has he achieved to be given such hype before any Champions League match? Have I missed something and has Ibra played in a Champions League final without my knowledge?

When watching PSG against Chelsea where the Parisien super team are actually given more of a test, it became apparent how problematic Ibrahimovic is. Again, hold onto to your seatbelts and coffee, some may find it blasphemous that I would call Zlatan a problem for PSG, but just hear me out and you'll see how I am making sense.

The thing with Ibra is that he comes with huge baggage and star power. This is the day of the modern footballer where they hold so much sway. With sponsporships, shirt sales and fan interest; Blanc pretty much has to play Zlatan. Whether he's in form or out of form, he's the face of the PSG project and it's imperative that he has to play. There are vested interests that demand that he plays when he's fit which leaves Blanc's hands tied,

Ibrahimovic is not a striker. I don't care what it says on stat sights or what people say, he is not one. Strikers play in and around the box and are constantly making runs between defenders to get themselves that tap-in. You look at what Aguero does, and most of his goals come from him being active in the box. You hardly see him in midfield or passing the ball around like a CM. Ibrahimovic just doesn't want to play like how a striker ought to. He's more of a supporting striker, if you can even call him that, who plays just outside the box and likes to combine more with the midfielders rather than making direct runs. But the problem is without Cavani in the team and by him being the striker as it says on the teamsheet, PSG are effectively not playing with anyone up top in the box.

PSG are in need of a traditional striker who can get on the end of crosses from Di Maria, Lucas and Maxwell. They have a group of the best mdifielders that money can buy, but their hard work is all for nothing if they don't have a striker making the kinds of movements that Aguero or Aubameyang makes. These are how you break down tough defences. You need to give your wingers or midfielders something to aim toward, or it just descends into a passing game that ends up nowhere.

Either Cavani or just another pure striker would benefit PSG hugely, and by taking Ibrahimovic out of the equation, it would make the team more balanced. No ego, just a team that works where they have a striker up at the top who is always in the box waiting for a cross.

Need I remind you what happened with Inter Milan when they agreed to the swap of Ibra for Eto'o?

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