Friday 21 March 2014

Can Mourinho and Chelsea Get Past Ibrahimovic and PSG??? PS - Blanc SUCKS as a Coach

This will probably be the closest of all the matches for the quarter-finals. Both teams are VERY strong, both teams have a VERY good chance of beating another. Mourinho's robust defence and pragmatic approach against the individual stars that PSG have, lead by the Swede Ibra WHO NEEDS TO START DELIVERING IN THE BIG MATCHES PLEASE!

Mourinho is my boy. Yes, Chelsea don't have any strikers that feel like scoring. But I have to trust that Mourinho can somehow figure out a way of beating PSG, with this deficiency.
   Chelsea will be relying on that tough defence to keep Ibra and his attacking pals quiet, and I am confident they can do that. After all, they ain't going against the wrecking ball of REAL Ronaldo or something. If Mourinho can get it right tactically, the inexperienced Blanc will not have an answer to him.
  Anothe advantage that Chelsea have is playing in a FAR MORE competitive league than PSG. That means they will know how to compete against a good team, but for PSG...Leverkusen was not really that much of a test.

Then we the Ibra factor. A dude on my Youtube channel did tell me of how Ibra does not show up that often in big games. He scores and has scored some of the most amazing goals I have ever seen, but when it comes down to it...GETTING THAT GOAL IN AN IMPORTANT MATCH, he has failed more times than he has succeeded.
   I just don't have faith in Blanc being able to put Ibra in a position to breakdown what will be an impeccably coached and drileld Chelsea defence. If PSG don't come with vibrant attacking options, then they hold no chance of winning this...because Hazard CAN score if the strikers decide against doing so.

This will be close. PSG have too many good players to be beaten easily. But, this is football, and you need more than talented players to win a two-legged match. So I have to side with the tactical master and believe he will make his team pull through and figure out a way of restricting Ibra, as well as opening up their defense and getting only the goals they need.