Sunday 16 March 2014

Manchester United are F£$%&*ED after Liverpool DESERVED Win, Lead by Gerrard Penalties

Haha! Wow. I predicted Liverpool to win, I knew United were crap...BUT THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE LOW. Liverpool came into their house and DOMINATED the game, were the BETTER team for the ENTIRE match and made United look like IDIOTS. Very fucking sad, excuse my mandarin. As good as Liverpool were, there were just TOO many holes and deficiencies in the United team to list.

Van Persie is a man that looks lost. How is one of the best finishers in the world in his OWN HALF? What is he doing around the midfield area? This meant that Agger and Skrtel did not have too much to worry about as the main strike threat was so far away from them.
  For some reason, Moyes has not figured out that if you have a great finisher, you keep him in the box and you BUILD YOUR FUCKING TEAM AROUND HIM! Is it really that surprising that he was one of the main reasons as to why United won the league last season?! I just looked at Van Persie and felt sorry for him. By the time the chances landed to him, they were already two down, and the game was lost. There's just no life in him and I can't blame him. When players are not really trying to create enough for you and when a coach has not tried to build a system to maximize your strengths, then you get pissed off.

Tom Cleverley was brought in ahead of Kagawa.

I don't want to talk about United anymore. Instead, Liverpool are IN this title race. They came and they BEAT DOWN United and the cannibal may not have had his best game, Sturridge was a damn problem for United. He pulled off some pretty sexy skills, kept moving with the ball, found guys on the wing in space and looked a FAR more greater threat with the ball than that dude who is earning three hundred grand a week.

Brendan Rodgers has to be a strong candidate for coach of the year. How he is making Liverpool play is amazing. The ONLY criticism I have of him is to play Moses more. But they are winning, and winning WELL. Even when they have lost, they have looked good and created opportunities.

Moyes was outcoached, and I will be shocked if I see him around next morning. How much more pain can the United supporters go through? Even if you bring in that long term argument, a man who CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME, BRING ON KAGAWA WHEN HE IS CHASING A GAME IS A DUDE THAT DESERVES TO GET WELL AND THOROUGHLY SACKED!

It was a great team performance from Liverpool who seem to now be settled in a system that is perfectly suited to win matches. Each man knows their role, and each player GIVES TWO THOUSAND PERCENT ON THAT FIELD. There is a recipe for league winners there and if they can sort out their other matches....those two HUMONGOUS games against Chelsea and City at home may be very, very IMPORTANT in telling us who will take home the crown.

Moyes....I think the gig is up.