Monday 17 March 2014

When Will Rosicky Get the Respect He Deserves?

They talk about Walcott, Cazorla, Ozil...these are the names that keep getting brought up. But there is a Czech man that just never gets a mention. A dude who I believe IS Arsenal's best player. Each time I see him play, he is always the guy that stands out for me, and I think that it is time that MORE appreciation is shown to him.

There was time, around 2003-2004, when Rosicky was playing for Dortmund where he was one of THE top midfielders in the world. He shone in that Euro 2004 where they lost to....Greece. And when he was bought by Wenger, this was a VERY huge purchase as many expected him to give Arsenal that attacking burst that they had been missing from their midfield.
  But then, disaster struck with an injury that put dear Tomas out for a bit, and when he came back, he just was never THAT same player when he was at Dortmund.
  That is why I not only commend him on his skill, but also his mental strength, because he has put that head down and in my view, has performed better and more consistently than many of Arsenal's so-called "big" players. He may not have that fluid movement and the young legs he had, but there is NO ONE in an Arsenal shirt that is better at running with the ball than he is.

That goal he scored against Spurs IS one of the best goals I have seen from Arsenal and is obviously his best ever goal. But it is what this man does and brings which has gone underappreciated by the fans.
  The fact that he INSTANTLY went for the shot at that angle, and is always looking for that CRITICAL move is something that Arsenal miss. The age old criticism of them always passing that extra ball. The goal is something that Arsenal players should learn from, which is to just be brave and GO FOR THE FUCKING SHOT. Excuse my Swahili...

I want Rosicky to be given his proper props. It's time that the praises of underperformers are sung, and Tomas is held as one of Arsenal's BEST PLAYERS, and a man who IF fit, should be one of the first names on the team sheet.