I don't even know how this rumor has lasted this long. I don't even know why people are even writing about this. I can pretty much give you a full-on guarantee that this transfer will not take place. Real Madrid would be psychotic to sell him and it would be beyond a monumental coup if Arsenal and Wenger were to be able to purchase Real Madrid's main striker. THAT is why this is not going to happen.
What if it did?
Talking for the sake of hypothetics and putting in a What If scenario. Arsenal know that they need a really good striker. Giroud is not what you would call a quality striker, Welbeck is a mild brick and Walcott is not someone who I believe has the ability and skills to play that position. So that leaves Wenger with this conundrum of who to get, to further utilize what is the best midfield in the Premiership. That is fact, and not my opinion. As much as I have insulted Benzema with times where he has flirted with the brick academy. This dude at Arsenal would make things very exciting and under the tutelage of a fellow Frenchman, he just may be able to get the best out of him and revert him back to his Lyon days.

no need for Benzema. Cristiano can play as a striker, and Bale be given a free role and with the money from the transfer they can get some dude from the road as a backup. But if anybody actually used their brains and the power of analysis, they would know that Cristiano gets his goals playing as a winger and not a striker and that Benzema's very presence in that position and how he brings Cristiano into the game has lead to many of Madrid's goals. So with respect to the structure and effectiveness of the team, Karim Abdul-Jabbar is needed.
So would Benzema moving to Arsenal make them realistic title-contenders? Most likely. Would it lead them to the Champions League final? Hell no. It's all about little steps though and getting a player like Benzema who is definitely an upgrade to Giroud would be great for Arsenal, and the fact that they are both French means there is that possibility of having good chemistry that can lead to a tasty strike partnership to take down the nemesis and villain that is Mourinho.
Happy with this little fairytale Arsenal fans? Time to wake up from the dream and contend yourself with Giroud and Welbeck. Madrid are not selling because I do see Benitez using Benzema and perhaps getting the best out of him to make him as lethal as Torres was for him with Liverpool. And if you have BBC all firing and being at their best, La Liga could be a damn hotspot to watch.