Oh dear. Four games gone, and there is still an APB on Hazard as to his whereabouts. He has NOT turned up since this season has started and that is very bad news for a player who was the reason why they got the points in the second half of the season.
I can understand if it was one or two games where he's been good but not at his best. But for all the matches Chelsea have played so far, I was not able to find him on the pitch. It's a disappearing act that he's pulled which won't put a smile on a very concerned Mourinho. Sometimes, all we need is a little break and with the Internationals coming up, this is a good chance for Hazard to try and rediscover that amazing flow he had last season for Chelsea but to also inspire Belgium to pip the Welsh dragons because the Belgians need a hero right now and Eden just hasn't put on his cape and taken flight in the manner most would expect for someone of his skill level.

from putting him in a top five category. For someone so good to have never really lit it up for his country holds me back for hailing him as one of the best players in the world. He has never had that one exceptional match-winning performance for Belgium. Lukaku and De Bruyne have both had big games for Belgium and come up when needed most...but the same cannot be said for Hazard.
If he is able to take charge against Bosnia and lead them to a victory, it will help a lot to revitalize that spark he had last season. Football and even sport in general, is hugely psychological, and that is where I feel Hazard's greatest weakness lies. He doesn't seem to be able to step out of the tactical comfort zone that Mourinho has built for him, and be able to interpret a match where he is needed to play a different role. When you are a team's BEST player, you just can't rely on the instructions given by the manager. You have to take charge of the situation and try and influence the game all over the pitch. It's something that Hazard has to get himself into if he is to help Belgium and perform better for them and actually try and get Chelsea out of their rut. You can never rely on what has worked before. One must always evolve to remain effective as a football player.