Thursday 15 May 2014


Always be weary. When you see some wonderkid who can do amazing skills, don't you dare just say he will be the next big thing. Because more times than not, it fails to live up to the hype. So, just bear that in mind. With Mister Mastour, he's got the skills...but can they pay the bills? It's pretty amazing that at FIFTEEN, he is part of the AC Milan SENIOR TEAM.

Milan need all the help they can get because they are a team that is suffering. You have old guys, you have Chefs and all that. So ANYTHING that is remotely good or of any quality is very welcome. But...this kid is FIFTEEN!

He is still only a teenager and no matter how amazing he may have looked on Youtube videos and his amazing freestyle skills, that is very different to stepping onto a pitch of MEN and competing against professionals who have been doing this for YEARS. Not everyone can do what Pele did at SEVENTEEN. So again, don't try and put too much pressure on this kid and allow him to slowly ease his way into the team, playing a little bit here and a little bit there and slowly gaining the needed experience to complement the obvious talent.

But the future is looking bright for Italy, because if this kid does grow to fulfil his potential, then it can only be good news for the Azzurri. In the meanwhile, don't listen to all the comparisons of the next Zidane and all that bullshit. THIS KID WILL NOT BE ON THE LEVEL OF ZIDANE. So just stop right there and show some respect to RARE greats. Let the kid play and let's judge from there...