Thursday 15 May 2014


It's very weird and odd how you can have a guy play a FINAL against a team that he is effectively a member of. Yes, welcome to the crazy, dumb world of MODERN football. How and why deals are not done only in the summer or are postponed for months is just crazy. The whole transfer of Lewandowski should only have been made permanent and done in the summer...or he should just have moved in January. Well it didn't happen and now...Lewandowski OWES the club and Klopp this German Cup.

Bayern are gunning for glory and will want this cup to at least TRY and appease the embarrassment of the way they got KICKED IN THE ASS in the Champions League. So Dortmund will have to be ready, but my eyes are on Lewandowski and how he finally leaves Dortmund.

I have called him Judas, a traitor and just mad for leaving the club and coach that made him. Why you would not want to stay and be a legend at a club just make no sense. You can win all the trophies in the world, but if you can't have the love of the fans and go down in lose out.

Lewandowski is going to be a Bayern player, and there is no stopping that. But he can at least put in ONE final great performance for Dortmund as a parting gift. For a club that has struggled so much this season, and have found it hard to cope with the injuries....this would be a VERY good farewell present from Lewandowski. And I think that, after the way in which he was applauded in the Final home game, the Polish striker will go out there AND WORK HIS BUTT OFF. I expect NOTHING less, and if Dortmund are to beat their rivals....HE will have to be at his very best. Then and only then, can Dortmund and their fans put away personal grievances and just wish one of their very best players good luck for their future.