Thursday 22 May 2014


I think Cashley Cole is an idiot. Ever since the escapade with Arsenal where he almost crashed his car when he got told how much they were offering him...and the furore involving the Ferdinands. I think it's fair to say that I think he's an idiot. But, BUT, as of today right now in May....Cashley Cole is one of the best left backs in the world, and one of the best defenders you will find. HOW, he is leaving Chelsea when he can still cut it is just beyond me.

Ashley Cole has been at the backbone of Chelsea during their most successful time. Him and the overrated beer-bellied Lampard and the racial street-boy called Terry have formed the spine and backbone of the Mourinho-forged team. But people get old and you can't be as good forever.

Lampard is past it and I have no idea what he is still doing on the pitch in big matches. Terry seemed to have reclaimed his best days, until he got totally shown up by Atletico and showed that his legs have gone and does not have that steely sharpness. But Cashley...for the little time he has played, he still looks good. Not as sharp as he was back in the day, but not many footballers in the WORLD can get past him as he is one of the most precise pin-point tacklers I have seen in a while.

Then you have the fact that Hodgson is bringing in tadpoles and ants to play ahead of him at the World Cup. I mean, unless Hodgson has taken up some HARDCORE weed in his boredom when just waiting for the Cup to start, I can't think of any rational man NOT taking Cashley to the World Cup. I thought you take all your best players to give yourself the best chance? Lampard? What the hell has Gerrard done that has been of any use for England?

Liverpool and Tottenham have shown interest and if either of those clubs get the Cashley boy, they will be very happy. He is an idiot, and he likes sending pics of himself with little clothing to girls....and so forth, but in FOOTBALLING terms, this guy is a bloody good defender who can tackle the shit out of from any angle. need to think LONG and HARD. Not every young kid will be able to, in time, eventually do what a vet does.