Sunday 11 May 2014


Very few players can call themselves TRUE servants of a club. Very few can say they have spent they best part of a certain part of their life AT ONE CLUB. When anyone sees the famous dark blue and black stripes of Inter Milan, there is one player that stands heads and shoulder above others. The player than encapsulates the club by pretty much being part of its fabric. That is the Argentine, Javier Zanetti.

Zanetti is one of those dependable wing-backs that any coach would want. Smart, high on stamina, professional and a WINNER. He has rarely ever given a horrendous performance. Always running up and down that touchline and hardly showing any tired legs and weariness.

At Inter Milan, so many players have come and gone. There have managers that have arrived, bringing in new players and taking out others. But every manager or player that has come in, has always had a strong element of respect for Zanetti. He's always been seen as the ONE constant amongst all the other variables at the club. And what anyone would wish was for someone who had given so many years to a team, to be rewarded by the ultimate prize. It rarely happens as many long servants have not tasted victory, but that changed for Javier when a certain Portuguese fellow dropped in...

Mourinho already had success with Porto and Chelsea, and he came to Inter looking to build on his reputation as one of the best managers.

Just like the other coaches, Mourinho came and respected Zanetti and to the liking of the Argentine, he built the team around the ethos of DEFENCE with the ROCKS known as Samuel and Lucio at the back, alongside Maicon. It resulted in Inter clinching the league and cup...and all that was left for Zanetti was the Champions League.

It was again about defence FIRST with Zanetti being responsible with carrying out Mourinho's defensive instructions. In the end, Inter were far too complete a team for anyone to compete against. And everyone cheered when Zanetti, who had given so much to Inter was GIVEN THAT DAMN CUP. It was the culmination of hard-work, skill and perseverance. Zanetti deserved to bow out from Inter Milan collecting every major trophy for a club.

There may probably never be an Inter player like Zanetti. To play for SO LONG and to be that consistently good is VERY rare. He has to be part of the family even if it's not on the pitch and although he never got his hands on the World Cup, this is an Inter Milan man and he will be remembered as a legend for the club.

Expect a statue to announced VERY soon.