Thursday 5 June 2014


Fabregas for me, is still one of the best assist-men around in the world today. As a guy who can thread the eye of a needle, he is one of the best. For some reason, he has not been showing his best for a Barcelona team that have ALL underperformed. Strangely, it is Fabregas who has been made the scapegoat whereas the entire team should all take the blame for ending the season empty handed. But with Manchester City looking to bring him in, Fabregas should really make that move to reignite his career.

Moving to Manchester City is not something I would advise highly. Purely because City are a corporation, an empire and will be trying build the biggest squad possible. That means that Fabregas is not guaranteed to play every game and will be behind Fernandinho and Toure in the pecking order. But then if Yaya actually does leave, that would produce an opening for Cesc to slot into...but he is no Yaya.

But, there is another side of the intriguing pie and that is of course...Arsenal. It can happen. As crazy as it may sound, I really do see Cesc going back to Arsenal. The reason is pretty simple...players are human-beings, and human-beings want to be loved and appreciated. Nobody likes getting booed or not loved by the fans. So it would be very tempting for Fabregas to go back to place that he knows well, where the fans love him and in a system that suits him far more than the Yaya Toure team of Man City.

Barcelona would be crazy to let him go. Xavi is getting old and Iniesta is getting there himself. Fabregas was brought in to REPLACE Xavi and the be the heart of that Barcelona midfield. Whatever bad performances he has, the fans must keep faith in him and allow for him to grow naturally in the new role as being the Barcelona midfield general that Xavi has been for ages.