Thursday 5 June 2014


I said it before....IF Real Madrid come with a realistic offer for the Cannibal, he WILL leave Liverpool. This belief that Suarez is somehow now an adopted Liverpudlian and is now loyal to the cause, is BULL. He has always talked of his love for Madrid, and the fact is he is TOO good for Liverpool. So...the ball is in Madrid's park and how should Liverpool respond?

Ancelotti is sitting on the throne now...THREE Champions League trophies and the man who finally brought the big cup back home for Madrid...the big cup being the Champions League not THE Big Cup.

But, Ancelotti is looking to build a dynasty with Madrid and extend their reign on ALL THREE fronts. To do that, all he needs is to bolster that defence, and just add a KILLER striker to accompany Di Maria, Cristiano and Bale. IF Ancelotti can get his paws on Suarez, then Madrid's attack would probably be the deadliest out there. Really, what other attack would be able to match that?

Now, what should Liverpool do? Do they stand firm and reject ALL offers? You could say yes because if you are serious about challenging for the big trophies, YOU NEED that star player. They got it in the Cannibal, and once you have don't let him go.

The other side of the argument, is if Madrid put in that bid of seventy million good ones for Suarez, Liverpool can take that and use it to buy four or five good players. But, that thought-process don't always work. Look at Tottenham who sold Bale (won two trophies in his first season away), they got all those players for the money they received and could only manage sixth place. Sometimes, all you need is that ONE star player, the right manager and the right players around the superstar.

My call is Suarez will leave for Madrid and Liverpool should start scouting for players to recruit with that cash. It would be a HUGE loss for Liverpool, but IF, unlike Tottenham, the RIGHT players are brought in by Rodgers..with Sturridge, Sterling, Mignolet, Coutinho, Henderson, there is enough there to still be competitive. As for Madrid, if Suarez joins them...Barcelona will have to do something SERIOUS in the market to compete with THOSE KILLERS IN ATTACK.

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