Tuesday 3 June 2014


Well, shit me twice. Ozil getting BOOED again? I think we can safely say that the German public have now turned against their star performer in 2010 and are now putting their hopes and faith on Marco Reus. But how has it all gone wrong for Ozil? Does he deserve it? And should he be put in the first team?

Ever since Ozil broke onto the scene in 2010 where he looked like the next best thing out of Germany, he has depreciated. At 2012, where Germany looked to him to avenge that Final against the Spanish back in 2008, he FLOPPED and allowed Italy to take their spot. And ever since he has moved to Arsenal, he just has lacked that guile and excellent off-the-ball movement that made him such a deadly attacking player.

To be honest, it began to go downhill when he moved to Real Madrid under Mourinho. At Werder Bremen and in 2010, he moved more freely and was just a guy that was always trying to find that ball and get things moving. Once he moved into Mournho's defensive system, he was pretty much Cristiano's bitch. His role was to SERVE Cristiano and produce balls for him. He lost all that attacking flair that he once had and just became a passer. Under Mourinho it worked well as Jose knows how to use his role-players very well. But, Schweisteiger is the dude that does all the passing for Germany and Ozil has forgotten what his role used to be in this team which is PASS and MOVE and find spaces that no other player can see and thus produce all those chances that make this new Germany tick and so exciting to watch.

In my humble opinion, Low must put sentiment and all that crap aside. Players must be played on their merit. Right now, for that starting spot, it's between Gotze and Ozil who have both looked jaded. Keep in mind, both players looked better BEFORE making their moves from their German clubs....something to remember. Joachim MUST play the best performing team, and right now his two best attacking players are Schurrle and Reus and his star man Ozil MUST remember what made him amazing in the first place.

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