Tuesday 3 June 2014


United finished seventh. Not Sheffield United, not Newcastle United and not Pancake United. MANCHESTER UNITED, ENGLAND'S MOST SUCCESSFUL CLUB TEAM FINISHED SEVENTH. That is...just...quite incredible. The man behind all that was our good friend who was on the receiving end on some of the most memorable memes that I remember seeing. But Moyes says he should have been given more time.....but should he have been?

When a new manager comes in, it is only right that you try and ease him into things, especially when the previous manager has been around for about two decades. Expecting instant success from United was just not on the table. Very few expected United to defend their title in the first season without their MASTER. But...I think it would not be too much of a stretch to have expected them to go deeper in the League Cup or FA Cup? Surely that would not have been too much of an ask.

It is one thing to come third or fourth and miss out on the league, but it's a WHOLE other thing to lose your home games for fun against lesser teams and to end up coming seventh. That is just a pill that is far too large to swallow. To perform so badly and to have such a steep drop after only a single season after Ferguson is why many including myself said Moyes had to BOUNCE.

Let's look at the other side of the coin. Perhaps maybe if they just put this season out as write-off, gave Moyes one full summer to bring in his own kind of players, then perhaps it would have reaped the right rewards for Moyes? That might be a solid argument but one must have faith. Where does the faith come from when a manager has just taken your team through one of their worst season in recent memory? Then there is the notion of Moyes bringing in the weapons needed to bolster the squad. How do we know that players like Kroos, Sanchez, Fabregas would want to play under Moyes after the season he just had with them?

Moyes does make a valid point, and long-term planning is something I believe can only help a club...IF it's the right man at the helm. If you have the wrong man, it will be four or five years of mediocrity. Nobody wants that. For Wenger, he had early success, a long time of a barren field that contained no trophies until finally getting it done. But the difference is Wenger HAD a lot of success with Arsenal....I don't believe Moyes has actually yet won a trophy as a manager.

Sorry David...but I believe Van Gaal is a better option than you...enjoy Miami (if he's still there)

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