Tuesday 3 June 2014


Lampard was not Chelsea's greatest player. Let's just stop you right there before you get carried away. Zola and Drogba will have a few words to say about that. So chill. But, with Lampard CONFIRMED to join Spike Lee, Martin Scorcese and Thierry in the Big Apple....he has left a legacy behind, and will be remembered as one of Chelsea's BEST players in their most successful era. Happy?

To score the amount of goals from midfield that he scored is an amazing achievement. He was clocking a goals tally that any striker would be happy with. His shooting accuracy when he at the top of his game was amazing. And he just kept on shooting and shooting, and more times than not...in the Premiership, not the BIG BOY WORLD CUP....they went in, and helped Chelsea to a title.

You can also add a goal he scored in the Champions League Final to show that he had at least some balls for the big occasion. So you know what, thinking about it, there is a strong case to be said that he was probably Chelsea's best MIDFIELDER. I don't think Dennis Wise will have much to argue about if Frankie was given that award.

When it did come down to WINNING that Champions League, Lampard was fading. He was no longer at the heights of his powers and age had slowed him down. It all relied upon Chelsea's GREATEST ever player and the man for the occasion to show up and DELIVER what Lampard so craved after missing out in that Final against United.

Chelsea did not deserve to win that Champions League Final against a Bayern team that outplayed them thoroughly, with Kroos BOSSING Lampard in that match. But history will only remember the final scoreline and the winner....

Lampard will be a Chelsea legend based on the honours, goal tally and how much he put into the Chelsea effort. But please, don't get carried away by saying he is a better player than Zola or Drogba who are the two PREMIER players in Chelsea's history. Good luck in New York Frankie....enjoy the hot-dogs!

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