Thursday 26 June 2014

King Keshi Shows His Young Nigeria Boys Can Play as they lose 3-2 to Argentina

Finally King Keshi, after that horrid display against Iran, was able to get the best out of the Naija boys. They started to play with the movement and fluidity that saw them lift the Nations Cup. The attacking trio of Osazie, Emenike and Musa especially CLICKED INTO GEAR, and it was pretty much Messi and bad defending that resulted in the loss.

Keshi came under a lot of criticism after the Iran game LEAD BY MYSELF. It was justified. The team played like strangers, lacked conviction and looked totally lost and jaded. SHOCKING. After that match, what hope could anyone have that Oga Keshi would somehow turn those boys into winners to come out of this group?

But you can either talk about conspiracies or just put it down to great coaching from Oga Keshi who got the best out of his boys and pushed them to reach their true heights. Against Bosnia, they played harder, better and played to WIN...which is something they had forgotten about for some time. It was a completely different team that bore no resemblance to those from the first game.

Against Argentina lead by the best footballer in the world, Nigeria were the true underdogs. But Keshi put his boys out the right way. They defended well, with still some serious mishaps and open spaces that lead Argentina in, but the way they countered and they broke to EXPOSE the defensive frailties of Argentina was very encouraging. Keshi was finally seeing these young boys show their true potential and really go out and beat Argentina, showing them no respect and no fear. But at the end of the day, they lost a game that they could have easily drawn or won. I'll keep saying it...Moses, Mba, Brown or Oduamadi in that game? The result might have been different.

So the Eagles go onward and even though not a lot is expected of them, Keshi is a winner by nature. He has to ensure that all his boys play to their limits and don't leave Brazil with any regrets. Keshi showed the world glimpses of what they can do once they apply themselves physically and mentally and click together and work with one another.

Congrats to Keshi as a NIGERIAN and AFRICAN for what he has done with his boys....