Sunday 29 June 2014


The man. The kid. The hero. The star. James Rodriguez has really been THAT DUDE of this World Cup. Neymar has shown up, Robben as well, and Messi. But guess who's top of the scoring charts? Guess who's scored the best goal of the cup so far? GUESS WHO IS NUKING GUYS WITH HIS SUPERB NUMBER TEN PLAY???

I feared for Colombia. I believed that the experience of Uruguay, semi-finalists at the World Cup, WINNERS of South America, would be able to handle life without the Cannibal. But I underestimated just how good this Colombian team is.

I believed that they would entertain but get beat by a more organized and business-like team. Well, it seems that I was DEAD wrong about that. Colombia came and PLAYED, but every team needs that special player. You can't win a World Cup without it...well, unless you are Spain who had Villa but NOT...this kid. This chico has taken up the mantle of his team like Messi and Neymar have done for theirs and DELIVERED in all four matches so far. That is what a star show up for his country on the BIGGEST stage. And I'll bet my right bum-cheek and my bottom-lip that he ain't staying at Monaco for long....

I prefer how unique Van Persie's goal was and that Cahill strike was special. But THAT Rodriguez goal is just diamond. It will take a NUKE or some magic...ACTUAL magic to be better than what the 22-year old James did last night. From all angles, even the Martians who have seen it applauded. Muslera shouldn't have bothered diving...can't save that.

Job is not yet done. Colombia face Brazil next, and ALL the pressure if on Brazil who went all the way with Chile. For the Colombians, already entering the their folklore as going the furthest in Colombian history and putting football BEFORE all the other unsavory activities in their country....will be out to enjoy themselves. Pekerman has to make them know that. This is a team that flourishes if they play their football, express themselves and just go out and play. IF they can do that, this one team that CAN knock out the hosts....something Chile came so close in doing.