Monday 9 June 2014


Well, Cristiano is coming to his Second Home in Brazil...where they speak Portuguese if you didn't know that lovely fact. After winning the Champions League....which he didn't really win, it was more like Di Maria, there is that elusive medal left. Portugal may not be great but they have kept on coming close in a poor era of great football teams. But is it probably too much for Cristiano to do it ALL ON HIS OWN to deliver his country the greatest crown?

Moutinho I believe will be super important for Portugal and also trying to offload the pressure of Cristiano. After all, Cristiano can't really do much in a football match. He NEEDS service and that is going to have to come from the very talented Joao.

Apart from that, Portugal don't have enough killers on the team to really cause much of a threat. Postiga is an AVERAGE footballer and you have a bunch of bricks and okay players. It's really not the talent Argentina have or Germany. But sometimes, as they say, all you need is that ONE striker, some luck and you can actually do the impossible.

In the era of years past, I would have said that it would be way too much for Cristiano to take his team all the way. They would get torn open by a better team, who would mark him out of the game and open up that defence. But this is a different era, with no real strong and powerful team. The so-called "best" team Spain, may have a good record against their Iberian rivals, but Portugal ALWAYS give them issues and push them to the brink.

In my opinion, if Cristiano is fit, there is a good chance that Portugal can at least make the semis, then it's a case of where the chips lie. But he may be useless at everything else, but goals win games. If Portgual can keep it tight at the back and just give Cristiano those chances and he actually takes them....then Portugal may just shock everyone. If you have a great striker, it falls to the coach to devise a plan in which you try and create an opportunity for that player. No matter how tightly he is marked...over ninety minutes, he WILL have two or three great chances to score. And it's about putting them away.....

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