Monday 9 June 2014


Shame. Damn shame. This could have been a World Cup where Nigeria could have shown the world that they still have some moves. Brown Ideye, Mba and Oduamadi could have shown shades of the golden years. But no. Instead, Osazie, Gabriel and Ameobi are the CLOWNS that we have to contend with. And against USA, Keshi's poor squad selection was all apparent as being void of any creativity or ideas.

I'm liking the "human statue" tagline that Ameobi has been given. The guy looks totally and utterly useless, garbage and there are hardly any words to describe just how non-existent he is. In the match against USA, he gave ZERO RUNS and had ZERO understanding with Moses who again, was left to burst his balls and do EVERYTHING in the team. But damn, what a footballer he is.

Oh, and we also have the second suspect, a man who believe is one of the worst defenders that I have seen in my life. Some joker who somehow feels he has a RIGHT to be captain and be in the team. guessed it...JOSEPH CALAMITY RUBBISH USELESS YOBO!

He was so bad. He was at fault for BOTH goals with poor positioning and allowing ALTIDORE of all players to easily turn him. How this clown is in this team just makes me shake my head. Keshi must surely see that he is not very good. You should be in the team on MERIT and PERFORMANCE and not sentiment or the most annoying reason...EXPERIENCE. If you're good, you play...if you're not, you DON'T. Hopefully, Omeruo is fit and replaces Yobo as soon as possible.

As for the rest of the players...all I saw was boring football that went nowhere. Moses and Emenike look to be the only two players who can make something happen, and hoping that Uzoenyi gets some game time. But I am a realist. That simply is not enough to get you out of this group. Nigeria looked so stale and boring and ordinary that the matches against Iran and Bosnia will be a struggle and Argentina should be laughing all the way to the bank and back if Yobo is in defence.

Don't have high hopes. But all Nigerians MUST still support Keshi and the boys. Whatever happens, SUPPORT the coach, support a Nigerian that is in charge of the national team. You just have to shake your head and wonder what could have been if Nigeria ACTUALLY picked their best players....

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