Saturday 21 June 2014

World Cup Report - English Media call for Hodgson's Head as Uruguay inflict Defeat

England are OUT. Its official. After two games, England join Spain with a first class ticket outta here. And naturally, like in every tournament, the blame shall be put on Hodgson. Typical. But is Roy the SOLE reason that England had such abject failure?

Hodgson perhaps should have opted for a more cautious approach against Uruguay. A 4-1-4-1 maybe, with that extra protection at the back. But then you say to England understand how to play it? Capello tried to experiment with things, and it backfired.

Truth is, England can only play ONE way. That's pretty much how they played against Italy and Uruguay. There isn't a lot more Hodgson could do with some of these players. Just as Sven and Fabio found out. England can only play ONE way, and it doesn't involve deep complex tactics. Just straight good old 4-4-2 football.

Gerrard is overrated. That's just the fact. Hodgson can't MAKE Gerrard dominate like Pirlo does, nor can he make Stevie G have a profound effect and influence on the game. Hodgson can't turn Rooney into Robben or Sanchez. Because he just ain't that good. Roy, just like his predecessors, is quietly realising the dark truth that his country are not very good at football. Sad, but true....

England have to chew, and swallow down some sweet humble pie and simply admit that they're not a very good football team. They CAN be one day, but not now. There is NO manager that can get England past a quarter final with Gerrard, Lampard, Welbeck and Rooney. A better team will just beat them every time. Even if England try and be as tactically astute as Costa Rica, the eagerness to do well makes them lack the discipline that the Costa Ricans have. Hodgson is NOT the problem. This is systematic and cultural. England must change from within.

But IF Hodgson fails to beat Costa Rica and they finish bottom of the group, then Roy may be forced to resign. The humiliation would be too much to bear. England must FINALLY go to the root of the problem and realise that their current "golden" generation are no good. Newer players, younger players with skill and better ability with the ball as well as going back to a TOUGH defence is where to start. Whether Hodgson stays or many managers do England have to go through till they realise that is NOT the issue?


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