Thursday 19 June 2014

World Cup - Olic is the HARDEST working Footballer on our Planet

I dare you to name ONE footballer that works harder than Ivica Olic. ONE. This dude is freaking inhuman. The amount of ground that he covers, and the work he puts in is quite incredible but great to see.

We live in a world where footballers are called prima-donnas and not worth the exuberant wages they receive. I still want my man deserves a hundred grand A WEEK for kicking a ball around. But when you see a player like Olic....playing in his FOURTH World Cup for Croatia (Correct me if I'm wrong on that), and does not look like he's slowed down at all. He keeps on sweating, keeps on going and keeps on getting red.

Against Cameroon, it was classic Olic. Running that line, putting in an amazing shift. CHASING everything, running....and people forget that he is a good footballer with a good footballing brain. That run he made was timed to perfection with a nice finish. So on top of being a BEAST who will never ever get tired...even when he's dead, he'll be running.....he also plays good football, assists and gets important goals.

All hail...Ivica Jeremiah Won't Ever Quit Olic!!!!


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