Sunday 6 July 2014

Argentina Finally Look a Threat, Messi AGAIN Inspires them past the Young but Good Belgians

So he can do something. I was ready to remove Higuain myself from the team. Coming to a World Cup with a pot-belly and unable to move that FAT ass. But, that was a VERY well-taken goal, and to my disappointment, Belgium just never really came to the party. They had a chance to tie and even win the game, but somehow, a professional defensive display from Argentina saw them through. And without a Demichelis mistake....pigs ARE flying!!!!

I think the comparisons of Messi and Cristiano must stop now. Even if he is a ghost in the semi or final...what he has done so far at a World Cup finally has shown he IS the best in the world.

Yesterday, he may not have scored a great goal, but his control of the game, awareness, vision is what is getting Argentina going. Each time he gets the ball, you feel Argentina are in good hand and can CREATE something. That's what Zidane was in 2006, and what Maradona was in 1986. Without Messi, I want the ENTIRE Argentine team including that mob boss Sabella to fly back to the Aires IMMEDIATELY....I'll pay for the flights.

For Belgium...I just don't know what happened. I really thought they would win this. But if you remember me saying, IF they give Messi space..they lose.

Belgium were just far too open. They pretty much felt they could beat Argentina in an open and fair football match. Bad move, Wilmots. It's all about winning and using the RIGHT strategy to upset your opponents and then beating them. The way to beat Argentina is by stopping Messi and eliminating him out of the game. Far too many times Messi was able to turn, to run and spray balls out to the wing. That is just not what you want to do, because the kid is just far too dangerous.

Messi has his team in the semi-final now. If I was Sabella, I believe a starting spot for Demichelis is imperative as that is the best their defense has looked for the whole tournament. But it's all about Messi. If a team is dumb enough to allow him room to manoeuvre then they deserve to be punished. That is all Messi needs. If you mark him tight and get physical with him, like Mourinho does, then he can't affect you. Unlike the real Ronaldo, he does not have the strength to brush off defenders. So the Dutch must see the mistakes that Belgium made and rather, take heed from how the Swiss defended against him.

You don't want him ACTUALLY falling this time...extra incentive for Argentina to WIN the World Cup.

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