Friday 11 July 2014

Jogi can Finally Silence Critics by Delivering the GOLD Germany have craved for Twenty-Four Years

He's had a tough time. Always seemed to be the "second dude" to Klinsmann who began this renaissance eight years ago. When he took charge I just saw him as Robin, SIDEKICK...a man out of his tactical depth. But he is in THE Final and can finally join Beckenbauer and other German coaches in that special echelon.

Jogi carried on Klinsmann's groundwork into the 2008 European Final where they narrowly lost. But Germany really gave the football world a massive big-ass warning in 2010. Putting FOUR goals past three different sides, they were the best team in South Africa. But when it came to winning that tight game, again they fell to Spain. What if the hustler Mueller played? Could have been a different story.

When people questioned Jogi was that European semi-final. The talents of his young guns took him to the match with Italy, but after two early goals, the team needed direction. This was where the coaching of Jogi had to come to play. But he was as shellshocked as the players, and the match was done. It made Germans question whether Jogi was the right man to get the trophy this generation deserve.

At this World Cup, Jogi did his best to get himself sacked early. For some reason, he seemed to grab that "false nine" nonsense out of his ass. Ghana pushed them all the way and Algeria probably should have beaten them. It looked like it was yet another failure for the inept one. But Jogi saw sense and just took it back home....

Germany have shown they can win in the TWO ways that are prime examples of champions. France was a close game, and Jogi got the balance right. The defense were well-drilled and organised and the presence of Klose in the penalty-box just made the team look like a proper functional organism.

And Germany showed their ruthlessness. Yes, Brazil STANK, the worst Brazilian performance the world has ever seen. But people may have missed the slick passing, movement, the defending, the flow from midfield to attack and that KILLER mentality. That only comes from great coaching. Jogi was finally able to show the world what his German side can do if they play to their full potentials.

Sunday is a different game. An Argentina side that will DIE and spill BLOOD to win that Final. But history beckons. Not a single soul will be able to even look Jogi in the face if he can get his hands on that World Cup. If he can get his boys to execute, and take their Brazil performance beyond the limits, then if football is fair....Jogi should pick up his winner's medal. NEVER that straightforward.


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