Sunday 6 July 2014

Will we see Fred the Brazilian or Fred Flintstone?

Fred. I think it's an unwritten rule that you can't be a great player or striker if your name is...FRED. Imagine for a moment...the winner of the Ballon D'Or is....FRED. Nope, does not work. However, I got news for my Brazilian friend....with Neymar out, he HAS to show up now.

Brazil have always been a team of strikers. Snooze and you lose. They have always had that striker that will strike when you least expect it, or just take ALL of you on, no problem. So when you have a situation where you have TWO strikers, one who looks like he belongs in a movie or in a living room and the other who just can't seem to hold the ball, dribble or really link the play up...and he is the number one striker in the WHOLE of Brazil?

It's hard for me to try and say what Fred needs to do, where he is going wrong and all that. I think that it's a case of Fred perhaps changing elements of his game. Scolari has to force him to move more, do more with the ball, try and find spaces rather than rely on leaning against the defender. For far too many times, he plays with his back to goal. How many times did we see Ronaldo RUN at defenders and see them cower in fear? Romario was always known for playing with his head up, and finding that space.

My suggestion...get some beer, popcorn and Scolari must sit Fred down and watch the Brazilian strikers play. Pele, Socrates, Romario, Ronaldo. There is a similarity and pattern in their play. These were strikers who could USE the ball, MOVE with it and were a very important cog in the attacking wheel. That is what Fred must do. GET THAT ASS MOVING. If not, Hunmels and Boateng or Mertesacker will have a far more relaxed time defending.

Time to be FRED and not the guy from Bedrock.


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