Sunday 31 August 2014

A Sterling Display leads Liverpool past Tottenham Three ZIP

Don't bother. I STILL think Moses is a better footballer than Sterling. But, I like this kid. Not my kind of footballer...but the boy is very good. And Rodgers is proving again that he is VERY aight at his job.

The match started well and BOTH teams had chances. Again, the achilles heel of Liverpool is that defense...but what was the score? The defense somehow shut out Spurs IN their cribb. And that's all that ever matters. But that attack....

Apart from Chelsea who are ripping this league up for now, Liverpool are the second best team to watch when going forward. There are so many ideas going round and my three BROTHAS up front (when last was this the case at liverpool?) look to all be in sync.

But the standout is Sterling who is deadly both in midfield and in the penalty box. He always seems to find his way through tight spaces and was the guy that created a lot of chance for el Pool. The boy is good.

In a season, you need a SQUAD, a striker and adaptability. But, a player you can count on to get shit done in an attacking sense is what brings the mustard. Sneijder for Inter, Iniesta for Barcelona, Di Maria for Madrid.

Liverpool can't win the league. If my boy wasn't knocking about,then I think Liverpool could take on City. But football can surprise us all. Blackburn DID IT. But will Sturridge or Balo get the insane amount of goals that Big Al did? No.

Today's match showed that if Liverpool can keep tight and resolute at the back, their boys at the other end can take them far. Once your team are so in tune, it's a beautiful thang....


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