Thursday 7 August 2014

Thierry Henry shows no age in All Star game against Bayern

So I tuned into the All Stars of the MLS against a second-string Bayern team. I wasn't sure whether Theirry was playing. I'm watching the game, and a bald player in midfield shows some moves. Great skill on the ball, and just fluid control. I try and wonder who in the MLS is this good and I don't know about him? Guess who it was...

Henry hasn't lost it. Comes back to Arsenal after playing in a "lesser" league, and scores on his return in the first game. He ain't lost it. The truly great players are able to change their game and evolve with age. The lesser players fade away, those that relied on their youthful attributes.

Thierry's SPEED and QUICKNESS are gone. These were allegedly his greatest assets, without which he'd be useless. But what Henry has done is be smarter, use the ball with greater intelligence and do more with less. Psychologically, just like myself, he is the best he's ever been. That is true quality.

You look at the bricks that run around in the world. Prima-donnas and hype artists. Henry in the so-called "crappy" MLS, is better than a lot of the clowns that are given contracts and paid to be crap. Most teams out there, would benefit from having Henry...even at his age.

I'm hearing he may be retiring really soon which is a crap idea. That player I see, just like Pirlo, can keep their quality for at least two more years. Giggs was one of the players of the season at forty. Some can ride like that, others can't.

Theory Henry VII....HH salutes you.


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