Sunday 31 August 2014

Torres moves to Milan...but it's OVER

Blondie finally has his ASS out of my boy's hotel. I am not happy at all that, to borrow my hero's words, Stephen a. Smith Blondie was "stinking up the joint." He was probably worse than that. BUT, will this move revive his career and return Torres to being the best finisher in the world? No.

No. Non. Nid. No way Jose.

Blondie is done. I don't like being harsh but this is just me being REAL. Blondie is DONE. You CANNOT be as horrible as he's been for so many years and suddenly be better. It doesn't work like that.

If Blondie was given a time machine, I say he should have gone to Chelsea. But after that disastrous season and the second, he should have gone. If he had done that, then MAYBE he could have saved his career. Ideally, he should have gone BEFORE that ridiculous miss that is worse each time it's seen.

Perhaps Blondie will prove me wrong and do well at Milan. Scoring thirty goals and will personally tell me to go screw myself. But I'm telling you this right now....Blondie will NEVER return to greatness. He may help Milan and work well with Pazzini, but Milan thinking Blondie will do better than Balotelli?
But I may be wrong, and I have been many times. I am confident that I'm right on the cheddar with this.

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