Monday 13 October 2014

The Fall of Edinson "The Vamp" Cavani....Once a rare GOOD OLD Striker

The hell happened to the vamp?

At one point, this guy was one of the most POTENT strikers in the world in a time where people just don't want to be strikers. This was a guy who SLEPT, ATE, AND TOOK A DUMP in the penalty box. He was pretty much carrying the Napoli team on his back after Lavezzi left. But the big money came, and he TOOK THE CHEDDAR...and now, he is no longer sought after, and just some guy earning mucho francs in the Paris realms.

Back in the day man...well not that FAR back. Cavani was one of those guys who did it ALL. Hustled, assisted, long-rangers, headers, tap-ins, and pretty much did all that he could to help Napoli.
 It's sad that Blanc can't get it through those binoculars that he wears that Cavani is a man you play CENTRALLY. You build your team around him, and surely Cavani should have known that he and Ibra CANNOT co-exist together as they are both similar. Meaning, BOTH are titans that a team is built around. Not like Lavezzi who was the robin to Cavani at Napoli and is now the robin to Ibra's Batman.

I would advise Cavani to head on back home. Arsenal, Man City, Bayern and maybe Juventus are teams that may go for him, BUT Cavani needs to go back where he knows. Napoli are struggling in the Serie A and Higuain is a beer-bellied bearded dude that is OVER to the RATED!

The vamp needs to head on back home, find himself again, and perhaps finished some unfinished business by helping Napoli snatch the title from the tough grasp of Juventus. But for Cavani and his career, this man is just too talented to be left to waste in a team that can win as many Ligue 1's as I have pubic hair, BUT as far as the big trophy, as long as my man Blanc the clueless punk is in charge, the ain't winning no Champions League and Cavani will continue to be on the fringes.