Sunday 28 December 2014

How the Love has hurt Messi's Hunger

Being adored and loved is something MOST people want. It's in human nature. But, too much of ANYTHING is never good. The loved and praise that Messi receives is warranted based on his incredible ability. Problem is, it just hasn't helped him achieve TRUE greatness.
I remember the Messi with long hair and the baby face. When he wore 19 and was the "wonderkid" that came off the bench. I would love to have seen that kid shoved into a World Cup as a starter. Just his energy and Argentine blood I believe could have sparked something special in that team with Riquelme.

But life took a different path. Pekerman kept him on the bench, and he instead matured and developed into one of THE great club footballers of all time. Keep in mind, CLUB footballer.
When people use the word great, legendary, incredible, special...if you look solely at what he did for Barcelona, you have to agree. People forget, this mofo used to score almost every other goal as a chip over the keeper. But...the World Cup matters and will always matter.

So I'm looking through instagram (I can't get enough of my new android!) And I stumble upon Messi's account. I see the millions of followers he has, and just see how happy he is, and the adulation he receives. Where will the hunger come from? The trees?
Maradona always operated like he had a chip on his shoulder. Even if people praised him, because of his personality and his passion, he would ALWAYS spill blood for Argentina. For Messi, he is more normal. If you praise and love him, he will soak it all up and not feel he has anymore to prove.
It's for that reason that Messi may never win the Copa America or World Cup with Argentina. Because if everyone has already proclaimed you as a great OVER other World Cup legends, then what do you have to prove? The whole point is PROVING to others you are the best, but if they already ordain you as that....what is there left to do?

That is what I think is unfortunate and a problem with this world. People are too quick to say Lebron is better than MJ. That Timberlake is even on the same stratosphere as MJ or that Chris Nolan is on the same level as Spielberg. People are too damn quick. The process of earning your stripes is gone because the media and the masses will do it for you.

I want to go back in time, and talk to that young kid from Rosario. I want to tell him to FOCUS on winning that World Cup. Make sure he understands that if he wants to truly be great, he should block out the noise and the praise, and do whatever it takes to WIN that cup.

The World Cup matters....