Tuesday 27 January 2015

Why Juventus Can Keep on Winning Serie A Titles and the Sorry State of Italian Club Football

It's over.

Roma ain't catching CRACK.

Juventus, are going to win YET another Scudetto and are dominating this league a lot more than Inter back in the Mancini/Mourinho era which I thought was unfair then. But my goodness, the standard has dropped BIG time since then, and as I look at Juventus's "challengers", I see no reason why Juve can't keep on winning even more titles.

The two supposed teams that are supposed to give Napoli a run for their money, just don't cut the mustard and pie for me.

They both have very different problems that make them ultimately fail when the season starts to get tighter and Juventus eventually pull away. Let's start with Napoli.

Benitez is a very good coach. Whether you love or hate him, apart from his little honeymoon with Inter, he has been successful at every club he has been in, and whatever he said at halftime to those Liverpool guys in Istanbul turned into one of THE great (and most shocking) comebacks in football history. But...have you seen what he has to work with?

Apart from Ingigne, Higuain (who needs a million chances to score) and maybe Maggio, the Napoli team is not that great. And I am only talking about the FIRST TEAM. Don't even mention the word squad, because Napoli don't have one.

A team like they have just don't have the legs or mileage to compete with the squad that Juventus have over a season. So that means that eventually Benitez is screwed when a few injuries come along or if his team are not performing, he has nobody to bring in and can't really change things up. Which is ESSENTIAL in winning a league.

Then you have this joker. This CLOWN who thinks that the false nine is the way to dethrone Roma.

What is just so painful is the Serie A could have a great title-race like the one in La Liga or the Premiership. But Garcia refuses to go hunting for quality strikers, and instead is convinced that Gervinho can lead them to victory as the only real man that makes those attacking runs into the box.

There are times I want to break my television into a million pieces and eat it like cheerios with the amount of times Roma take a cross and there is NOBODY in the sweet-spot. Nobody. Because you have midfielders who don't have the natural movement or mentality of a striker.  A NATURAL-BORN STRIKER.

So for those reasons I have placed there, Juventus will continue winning these league titles, because their rivals don't have the necessary ingredients needed to compete with them. And there is no argument to be had here.

Further down, you have the two Milan teams that are now a joke. I won't even dignify Inter Milan with an image and with AC....should Seedorf really have been sacked as my man Tosin said on the hangout?

The task is far too great for Inzaghi, and it's a Milan team that needs a total revamp. But that can't be done if he is not given the right players, and without funds or clout, the right players won't come. So Inzaghi must make do with what he has...French Chef included. THAT is why Milan need an experienced coach who can get the best out of carpenters, bricklayers and softcore pornstars. That's the dark reality he has to work with.

Get used to this image, because you will be seeing a lot more of it. Police or lawyers and judges should be called if Juventus don't win the league this year. It can almost be done in their sleep, but I'll give Roma and Napoli a LITTLE bit more credit than I will for those joker in the Bayernsliga.

How long do we have to wait till the Serie A is competitive again like the old days?

A very....VERY...long time.