Wednesday 28 January 2015

Liverpool had their CHANCES....but Big Booty EXECUTED and took Chelsea Through

Liverpool could have had it. The match was there to be won AT THE BRIDGE. They did not have chances, they HAD GOALS. All they had to do was just execute....but in the end, they kept on hitting Chelsea, had them on the ropes, all they needed was the final punch, but they let Chelsea off the hook and when they were feeling calm, Chelsea hit them with that sucker punch courtesy of the Big Booty.

Chelsea in that first half looked like the ghosts from Bradford were still lurking at the Bridge. The normally TIGHT MOURINHO WALL was as open as the grand canyon. Liverpool had too much space, and I was thinking this could have been 2-0.

The Blue boys did their own attacking. But there just was not that normal performance you would expect from them at HOME against a much inferior Liverpool team. Apart from the Costa penalty, it was Liverpool that just kept hitting them with Coutinho being the real star that caused Chelsea issues. Each time he ran with the ball, with his great control, and dribbling, was a great sight to behold...a PROPER Brazilian footballer.

In this match you saw that Liverpool can beat Chelsea. There is not a great gap between the two teams, but sometimes the smallest things are what make all the difference. And in the case of Chelsea, they just know how to WIN matches. Just like that match last season at Anfield, they find a way to get it done when they are not playing well. That is something that Rodgers just needs to teach his team.

It was a very good game to watch, very attacking and the open space suited Liverpool a lot more. With Sturridge on the pitch, Chelsea may have had to just accept a deserved beating by giving Liverpool CLEAR opportunities. But with just Sterling as the main attacking threat, it just was not enough variety to really test Zouma and Terry.

These are the kinds of games that can restore faith in your team. After that Bradford nightmare, Chelsea are in a final, and they can now know that they can win games and don't need to doubt themselves too much. But as for Liverpool....they cannot be happy with yet another good performance against Chelsea where they have not WON the match, because it is all about winning...everything else sucks, and that is how WINNERS should think.

Chelsea have work to do. As the Champions League approaches. They need to work on the defence and get back to being that tight and robust team that they are. It did not look pretty seeing them getting attacked. If ONE of those chances falls to Robben, Cristiano...or the reborn Messi, it's a goal.

With Liverpool, there is a chance for top four. With Southampton and Juju United, anything is possible. But Rodgers needs to turn this great attacking play into games that are won and there needs to be that steel into their game that they can learn from Chelsea. As there is skill in how they attack and entertain, there is an art to WINNING MATCHES, NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE.