Thursday 5 February 2015

Both Arsenal and Spurs Have the Edge....which is why Sunday's Game Will Be Very Tasty

Normally, Arsenal have been the team to go for over Tottenham. They have pretty much, at least MOST of the time, finished above them and in most matches they go in as favorites and they win. But Pocchettino has a team in a league cup final. He has Spurs playing good football and one the new exciting home-bred talents. So it's young versus old in terms of coaching, but on the pitch Arsenal are the stronger team, but Spurs will be VERY up for this game as in the table, the Gunners are in their sights.

The Gunners are coming fresh off the spanking of Villa. A result that fans should not read too much into...because it is the mighty...ASTON VILLA. Nothing to write home or the nursery about. But a big victory is a big victory and their confidence is high, and I can't just reject the psychological implications in football. And everyone's best friend Ozil is now in the good house, and he will be very important for Arsenal, especially if their BEST man Sanchez is out for the count on Sunday.

Playing without Sanchez against Villa at HOME is very different from doing so against your rivals who are just behind you in the table, AWAY.

So this will again test the Zillage in a big game environment and will call again on Santi Catzooooorlach to dance away into the Spanish night. And of course, that defence has to be up to scratch, and it could be Ospina in again who is going to make his Polish friend Szczesny regret sitting down and having a drink....for about a minute....after letting in a goal.

But this is a stronger Tottenham Arsenal will be playing. At the first game, Pocchettino was still finding his way, and there was not yet an identity in the team. But ever since that thrashing of Chelsea, they have had a consistency and a belief that they can get that top four position with things incredibly tight in the table. Juju United may be using witchcraft, but they know how hungry the teams below them are.

Kane. Not sure who is Abel is, but the boy is having his dream season for his club. He did it against Chelsea, a team that normally beats them and the league leaders, so Wenger and his boys will HAVE to watch him on Sunday.
 There are guys who have that natural footballing brain and Kane is one of them. He just knows when to run with the ball, when to pass and when to shoot. He pretty much is a complete player BUT, relax...I won't rush and call him anything great. He's pretty good, and having a quality season, but people need to pause before now hailing him as the new Rooney....even though the original Rooney did NOTHING of note for his national team.

But if Spurs have Kane...Arsenal have Cazorla. A guy who seemed unhappy last season and was ready to leave. Yet somehow, Wenger just clicked in his brain that this dude needs to be played IN THE MIDDLE WHERE IS SUPPOSED TO and surprise, surprise, he is playing with a smile on his face and being far more effective for Arsenal there.

Spurs don't have a player in midfield like him, and they will need to be very physical with him, because if they allow him to roam past with his quick feet, he can pick a pass that can lead to a G. So it will need to be a case of really being heavy with him and using physicality to frustrate and mess up his flow.

Smart defending and not just thuggery with no real brains behind it.

I think this may be a draw again and perhaps a 2-2 this time with both teams much better than they were earlier on in the season. But if a team is to win, it will all be about who has the balls to take THAT chance when it falls, and if the star and key players can boogie on down.

It would be funny if Wenger becomes a troll and plays Santi on the wing....



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