Friday 6 February 2015

The Madrid Derby....Cristina vs. Blondie...the Italian vs. the Argentine...LET'S GET IT ON!

How many damn times do these guys want to play each other? And I think by now, they are SICK of one another. But in truth, it's my smoking Italian and his regiment who must be fed up with their rivals. For some reason, the druglord from Argentina dressed all in black has Real in his pocket, and it's the Champions League winners that need to STEP THE HELL UP AND GET SOME OF THAT ASS!

Figuratively speaking of course...

It has always been about match-ups, and how teams stack up against each other.

Barcelona just seem to do better against Atletico but not so much against Real now. But on the other hand Atletico just can't figure out Barcelona whilst they just always can exploit and navigate around Real AND restrict them.

It makes for a very exciting title-race....

The top goalscorer and the "star" man of Real needs to actually finally show up against Atletico, because too many times, he is pretty much nullified. He may get a goal, but his contribution over the ninety minutes is MINIMAL at best, and if he can't really influence anything from his position then he is pretty much wasted....

So Cristina...can you please do SOMETHING in this at least beat a player and put some crosses into Mercedes Benzema?

What can be said about Atletico's other "star" (and I really want to triple the " " on that one) man?

I thought he would flop and was CONFIDENT Simeone was mad to even consider playing him in any matches, let alone against their rivals. But by some miracle, Blondie has been scoring, and I believe he has scored more goals than he did in one of his seasons at Chelsea.


It could just be one of those crazy turn of events that sees him scoring again, when nobody is watching (I missed two of his damn early goals!) and shove all those words down my rather thirsty throat that has drunk too much coke....not cocaine...the drink.

Because he has shown up and shown the world that there is something still left in the tank. He has the Euro 2008 final goal to prove it, as well as the killer goal in the Nou Camp that still has Gary Neville having his orgasms.

But who will show up....Cristina or the Blonde one?

As you all must know, I am not a man of hype. I call it as it is, and I speak ONLY the real.

The true star men for both teams are not the names that you will see in the papers, previously mentioned in this article or on the front page of those websites. But they will get a mention here and these are the guys that can really influence the game.

Mercedes Benzema has the goals and assists and general play that proves how vital he is to Madrid whilst Turan is Atletico's brains that can open up things and create chances for Blondie and Zukic. If both of these players can really be allowed to have their best game, then it will SERIOUSLY influence how things will turn out.

However, in the grander scheme of things is where we look at tactics. Real have to be ready to get into a fight and have to move the ball quicker and be more creative with it. It's how Barcelona have beaten them, in how swift they counter and get the ball in the box.

What works for Real against Barcelona, just does not click when they play Atletico, because they are going up against different defenders with different personalities. Therefore, they have to approach their attack in a different way that forces Godin, Suarez and the convicts to think a little differently.

Neymar's speed and awareness mixed with Brazilian anticipation was something that the red and white cats could not cope with, and you would think Cristina would be able to be just as influential. But it's just not about speed, which Cristina has, it's that football brain and awareness of the positioning of the defence that also plays a part. Which is why I am not being harsh on my underwear friend, but he just needs to do MORE if Real are to overcome a team that keeps getting in their ass.

Whatever happens...because I really could care less who wins...won't change my life one bit.

But what WILL change my life is if Blondie not only scores...but manages to score the winning goal in the game.

I just don't think that my heart could honestly take that. After all the insults I have given him, I am beginning to look a bit like a clown if he keeps coming up in big games. So that is just all I ask...that Blondie does NOT score and please...NOT THE WINNING GOAL!



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